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Silver Sneakers Balance Builder Workshop - July 31

Greetings Club Julian Members,

Our special wellness events are held every month and we want to remind you that you're invited to attend them for FREE. Presented by Silver Sneakers, Club Julian is pleased to host an interactive workshop on Improving Balance and Preventing Falls on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (from 1-2:30pm). Please note: You must RSVP for this event by July 29.

Falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. As we age, physical changes and health conditions - and sometimes the medications used to treat those conditions - make falls more likely. There are many things you can do to minimize the risk of falling, including simple exercises or even evaluating side-effects from prescriptions. In this seminar, you will learn how to assess those risks - and build balance, improve strength and endurance through physical activity and increase your overall flexibility.

Building Better Balance Workshop

When it comes to maintaining optimum health, Club Julian encourages you to be proactive and have an improved quality of life! Today is the day you can begin to make healthy changes and learn more by joining us for this informative and interactive event.

This event is one of many great reasons to visit Club Julian in July. Call
412-366-1931 to reserve your space
or CLICK HERE to quickly RSVP online. Space is limited so reserve your spot soon.

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